Endocannabinois and Eye

The project consists of a randomized clinical trial entitled Ocular Hypotensive Effect of Oral Palmitoyl-ethanolamide: A Clinical Trial (Gagliano C, Ortisi E, Pulvirenti L, Reibaldi M, Scollo D, Amato R, Avitabile T, Longo A.)

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 Aug 3;52(9):6096-100. Print 2011 Clinical trial registration number UMIN Clinical Trial Registry (CTR): R000003458. We are moving ahead with the study of the neuroprotective effects of endocannabinoids.

Drepanocitosys Project

The project can exist thanks to the opportunity of having very exceptional data:

In Sicily, the drepanocitosys is more common than in the rest of Europe.
It is a hereditary blood disease consisting of an alteration of red globules with a consequent increase of the blood stickiness.


Amblyopia project

Amblyopia or "lazy eye" is a visual defect that affects 3% to 5% of the population and, if not treated with appropriate action within 5 years of age, is irreversible.
The project begin with epidemiological study to understand  biochemical mechanisms of neuronal plasticity. The surveys are conducted using innovative methods of screening can also be used on IPad and accompanied by adequate information and awareness plan to play in schools.


Woman and eye - gender bias in ophthalmology

The research program assess the changes in gender from the ocular surface to the back of the eye including epidemiological investigations and interventional studies. 

We evaluated  the role of postmenopausal insufficiently level of 17 β Estradiol, Estrone, Testosterone in the pathogenesis of Dysfunction Tear Syndrome (DTS), investigating the relationship between tear osmolarity and serum sex hormones level in women with severe evaporative DTS. 


Smoking and eye

I - Epidemiology, biochemical mechanisms, basic science.

II - The smoke considered as a model of aging of the brain and eye.

III - Interventional studies to treat the damage caused by smoking. 

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